The Future of Money is Open

We all know that Bitcoin was the one who started the new era of payments systems and the revolution of crypto, however it turned to be more a storage of value then an actual payment system.
With $Gram being powered by a new, better, faster and efficient crypto currency (Binance smart chain) unlocks the power to work with high speed and very low fees bring you the best results within time speed and profits!

An Open Developer Platform

SafeGram makes it easy for developers and entrepreneurs to remove the pain and friction that comes with integrating blockchain technologies into their applications and projects. Through tools, services and programs built on SafeGram Ecosystem, SafeGram enables developers and their users to send and receive payments across any currency, network and geography. SafeGram is built on the principle that success of the blockchain industry and realizing the Internet of Value hinges on how easily these new technologies interface with how the world currently operates.

An Open Developer Platform

The characteristics of XRP and the XRP Ledger—superior speed, low cost, scalability and sustainability—allow developers and entrepreneurs to seamlessly transform existing applications and unlock entirely new user experiences across payments, identity, foreign exchange, digital media and many other industries.


3-5 seconds to settle

San Francisco

United States

San Francisco

United States

San Francisco

United States

SafeGram Protocols


Decentralized Exchange


Money services


Social Exchange


Launchpad Services

Start Building With Us Today

Together, we are working towards a future where developers are empowered

to build faster and lower cost payments technology into all apps